Musicians have often used their voice to speak against war and injustice, such as Pablo Casals’s protest against fascism in Spain and Soviet-era artists risking censorship and arrest. The music of composers Ameen Mokdad and Jessie Montgomery continue that tradition of protesting the violence of war and giving voice to the depths of the African American experience.
Allan Ballinger and Kenneth Long will be joined by Aaron Jaffaris and Byron Au Yong, creators of the Activist Songbook, and Ameen Mokdad, musician activist in Baghdad, Iraq. Together they will discuss music and protest. Read about the Activist Songbook here. Read about the work of Ameen Mokdad here.
This is an entirely virtual event. You may reserve a virtual ticket at no cost. Upon reserving your virtual ticket, you will receive an exclusive link to our interactive room and virtual program. We look forward to interacting with you throughout the panel discussion, and you are welcome to join the conversation via the comments section, or by coming on screen at designated times. Sign up the for the event by clicking here.
Musicians have often used their voice to speak against war and injustice, such as Pablo Casals’s protest against fascism in Spain and Soviet-era artists risking censorship and arrest. The music of composers Ameen Mokdad and Jessie Montgomery continue that tradition of protesting the violence of war and giving voice to the depths of the African American experience.
Allan Ballinger and Kenneth Long will be joined by Aaron Jaffaris and Byron Au Yong, creators of the Activist Songbook, and Ameen Mokdad, musician activist in Baghdad, Iraq. Together they will discuss music and protest. Read about the Activist Songbook here. Read about the work of Ameen Mokdad here.
This is an entirely virtual event. You may reserve a virtual ticket at no cost. Upon reserving your virtual ticket, you will receive an exclusive link to our interactive room and virtual program. We look forward to interacting with you throughout the panel discussion, and you are welcome to join the conversation via the comments section, or by coming on screen at designated times. Sign up the for the event by clicking here.
The arts are essential to our communities both culturally and economically. However, 54% of the arts workforce of the United States has been out of work since March 2020, making collaboration among organizations vital.. The 2020-2021 season series Musicians on the Frontlines is presented as a partnership between Cuatro Puntos and the Autorino Center for the Arts at the University of Saint Joseph. Thank you for continuing to support the arts by attending our events!