Address for GPS: 265 Main St S, Woodbury, CT 06798
Parking: Free parking is available in the lot, very close to the entrance. Accessibility: -This venue is ADA compliant. Handicap spaces are available close to the entrance. There are no stairs. -American Sign Language interpretation is available. If you would like ASL interpretation, please make yourself known upon arrival at the venue. We appreciate if you let us know in advance by emailing [email protected]. * Please see our "Universal Access Statement" below. We strive to create a welcoming environment for all people. If we can assist you in any way, please email our Executive Director, Kevin Bishop, at [email protected].
Cuatro Puntos is committed to making music accessible to all people regardless of socio-economic status or ability level. All of our concerts are free of admission. We warmly welcome people of all ability types, including those who are Deaf, hard of hearing, blind, and cognitive or mobility impaired. We have built in small things to make EVERY event universally accessible, including American Sign Language interpretation, tablets with real-time visual interpretation software, programs in braille, and ADA compliant venues. Our education programs are also open to all ability types. We believe music is a unifying force, whether across the world or across the street, whether rich or poor, regardless of who you are.