THE PROGRAM - Music from the album on Arkadash Records
The Curve - Ameen Mokdad & Cuatro Puntos Resident Musicians Original music by Ameen Mokdad powerfully arranged for string quartet and dumbek Iraqi composer and multi-instrumentalist Ameen Mokdad was trapped in hiding by ISIS for nearly two years in his hometown of Mosul. During that time he wrote an extraordinary repertoire of powerfully emotional music. He arranged it later for the Cuatro Puntos Resident Musicians. On this album you will hear a string quartet along with Ameen on dumbek, violin, and in recitation of poetry in Arabic. Fear - Havocs - Hope In God - Confusion - Kholo Fajher - From Her - Lips - Secret - First Momento (The Birth) - Sognatore - The Curve - Viaggio - Clouds - Tears of Flower - Ween - Over the Mountain - Yoqaal - Yosur |